As the first Windows 7 tablet rubs its eyes and emerges into the light for the first time, the question is being asked of how it will stack up against Apple’s iPad. I’ll be writing a full review of the ExoPC here for you in the next couple of weeks on Windows 7 News as a review unit is, I’m told, soon to be on the way to me. Clearly it’s a device that has generated a lot of interest amongst you. For now LaptopMag have put an, admittedly unscientific, poll online to see which of the two tablets you prefer.
You can vote on the poll here.
Pre-orders for the ExoPC are closing soon and then the machine will go on general sale. It has several significant advantages over the iPad including serious amounts of storage at either 32Gb or 64Gb, the flexibility of a full operating system under the hood and, crucially, support for Adobe’s Flash player. Against the iPad this second strength could also be seen as a weakness, but many people have criticised the iPad for being unable to properly work with documents on the device. It’s swings and roundabouts at this stage and there’s everything to play for.
The iPad itself has strengths though including a touch-enabled OS that runs through every aspect of the device, and a hardware-loaded OS that would never need reinstalling.
All we know for sure is that if other forthcoming Windows 7 tablets from companies such as HP do little more than add the software seen on larger all-in-one touch screen PCs then the ExoPC’s approach of a bespoke touch layer of extra software could prove a real winner.
If you’re interested in the ExoPC you can get more information on their website.
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