NetApplications currently has Windows 7 sitting pretty at about 17% marketshare, which is fantastic for an OS that is having its first birthday at the end of the month. It is now the world’s second most-used operating system, after the persistent and long-lived Windows XP.
But you know what the world’s thirdmost-used operating system is? That’s right – sitting at just above 13%, with well over twice the marketshare of all OS X versions combined, it’s the lowly Windows Vista.
Windows Vista, which spent its life maligned by negative ad campaigns and by the enthusiast press, which was ignored by corporations and users alike in favor of platform switching and Windows XP downgrades, is still the third most-used operating system in the world. Windows 7 is bringing its marketshare down rapidly, but there are still many people using it, people who won’t get a new version of Windows until they decide to get a new computer.
What is life like for these people right now? Using a spare hard drive, I decided to re-install Vista on my primary machine and see where the chips fell. Read on for my thoughts.
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