New Windows 7 Ads Appear, Highlight Features The Funny Way

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How do you best highlight features of an operating system in an advertisement? Microsoft seems to have gone the unconventional route and has decided to create “funny” video ads highlighting specific features of the Windows 7 operating system.

Why I put funny in quotes? Because what may be funny to some, may seem utterly silly to others. In the first video for instance, they put a mime in a Yoga class to demonstrate remote desktop. If you do not get the connection here do not worry, I did not catch it either.
Take a look at all videos of the series and judge for yourself. Please note that the videos require Microsoft Silverlight.
Mime in Yoga Class demonstration remote desktop capabilities of Windows 7 Professional:
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Dancers illustrate certain features of the Windows 7 Taskbar featuring a interpretative dancer, ballerina, tap dancer and hula dancer.
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Conventional Windows 7 ad.
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The videos showcase Windows 7 Professional, the successor of Windows Vita Business.
What’s your take on those video ads? Funny, or not? And more interesting, will they spark interest in the product? (via Softpedia)


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