Half Of IT Pros Still Plan On Using XP After Support Ends

windows xp 150x150 Half Of IT Pros Still Plan On Using XP After Support Ends
Microsoft have started ending support for Windows XP in the last couple of months in the hope that it will push more people up to Windows 7, their latest operating system. However they wont be to pleased to hear about this latest survey.

All support for Windows XP ends in 2014, which means Microsoft will no longer issue updates and security patches for it, leaving it vulnerable to any new security threats that appear.
The survey carried out by Dimension Consulting on behalf of Dell was published in October. It quoted 48 percent of respondents were going to continue using Windows XP, even when all support for it ended. Another 47 percent said they would upgrade when the support for Windows XP discontinued.
I’m sure Microsoft were hoping for a lot more people to upgrade to Windows 7 once support ended. April 8th 2014 is set to be the date that all support for Windows XP will be ceased.
Five percent of those who responded said that they would continue to use Windows XP by availing of separate third party support. However, what the survey did show us is that most of the respondents planned to skip Windows Vista all together and jump straight to Windows 7, which is probably something Microsoft are relieved to hear.
The survey also included information about Office 2007 and 2010. 78 percent of them said they had concerns about Office 2010, especially its ribbon interface and only 33 percent of respondents said they would skip Office 2007 and migrate from Office 2003 to Office 2010.
Microsoft will certainly be looking into this more to see why IT Professionals are so reluctant to let go of Windows XP, personally I can’t see why you would want to hold onto such an old platform for so long.


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